Real support and proven steps to help your partner get sober.

There ARE skills and strategies you can learn to finally help your loved one get sober and into recovery (without arguing, begging or leaving the relationship).

Loving an alcoholic is NOT easy, it's really hard.

Does this sound like your situation?

  • It's another day where your partner said they were done drinking, yet they came home drunk again.

  • You know they've been drinking in your gut, but they deny it and you start second guessing yourself.

  • They get drunk and drive and you constantly worried about their safety and others.

  • You feel isolated, frustrated and even resentful of their choices and what they are putting you and your family through.

Research tells us..

There ARE skills and strategies you can learn to finally help your loved one get sober and into recovery (without arguing, begging or leaving the relationship).

You're ready to learn everything you can do to move your partner closer to sobriety...

I've created an instant access membership called Healing Together that teaches you just that.

Inside of Healing Together, you get:

  • Instant 24/7 access to online support, coaching and Q&A💛

    Ask your questions daily and get individualized coaching and strategy on how to navigate any situation and learn how to take care of YOU, regardless of what your partner does. Examples: What boundaries to implement, dealing with guilt, what to do in this situation, how do I communicate how upset I am strategically? AND MORE.

  • CRAFT Informed - Science Backed Recovery Skills For You, as the partner of someone struggling with addiction💛

    Instant access to videos trainings giving you the tools and skills to:

    Implement the CRAFT Method

    Set boundaries for yourself

    Communicate with your partner strategically

    Navigate hard conversations about their drinking, that lead to productive change

    Take control of your emotions so that you feel okay regardless of what your partner does

    Prioritize your happiness while helping them get into recovery

  • Community 💛

    A community of women 100+ experiencing all of the same challenges as you.

    Connect with others, share your experiences and gain perspective.

    Inside our community you have access 24/7 to a safe space to connect with over 100 women who understand this journey. We will always support your choice to stay (or leave) in your relationship and there is zero judgment.

📢 What Our Members Are Saying:

💛 "This group has truly been a saving grace for my mental health. I went from feeling completely alone to feeling supported, hopeful, and strategic about my partner’s sobriety journey."

💛 "I was nervous about joining, but it's truly life-changing. Since starting Healing Together, my partner has joined therapy, and I finally feel like I know what I’m doing."

💛 "He’s 52 days sober! I never thought I’d be saying that, but here we are. This group and these strategies changed everything."

💛 "I used to spend all my time trying to fix him, and it was draining me. This group gave me my life back—now I take care of myself, and surprisingly, he's drinking less too."

Membership includes: 👉🏼

Access to the evidence based CRAFT training course:

1. Introduction to CRAFT

2. Changing the cycle in your relationship

3. Their Drinking Road Map

4. Positive and Strategic Communication

5. Positive Reinforcement To Promote LESS Drinking 6. Problem Solving Skills

7. Withdrawing Reinforcement Without A Fight / Setting Healthy Boundaries

8. Allowing Natural Consequences of Their Drinking 9. Improving Your Own Life & Happiness Now

10. Relapse and Recovery Prevention and Navigation

11. BONUS: All Past Workshops & Live Trainings 12. BONUS: Emotions Processing Meditation

👉🏼 24/7 access to a post a written question anytime - day or night, and get personalized answers, support and coaching to your specific questions within 24 hours or less.

👉🏼 Breaking Cycles For Change Weekly/Monthly Challenges: Steps to Support Sobriety & Find Peace

👉🏼 24/7 access to a private, supportive community of women who understand exactly what you’re going through.

👉🏼The ability to make your name anonymous if you prefer

👉🏼 Access from anywhere in the world; USA, Canada, UK and more.    

* cancel any time * bank statement line item will read “Mariah Kay Coaching"

I WISH I would've had more support all of the years I was navigating my husband's addiction.

Inside of Healing Together, we put your happiness first.

We support you with your emotions, relapses, navigating how you feel and giving you skills to build a life you love.

  • 2am and he comes home drunk, post in the community and your feelings out, be heard (never judged or told to “leave") .

  • Not sure how you want to navigate a conversation with your husband, post in the community and you'll get real answers on how to strategically converse with him about his addiction.

  • Feeling really overwhelmed or hurt, we are there to support you so you never are alone in this journey. 

Have more peace in knowing you aren't alone and that there are real answers and real steps you can take to actively help your partner and yourself.

Over the years I've gathered tools, gotten coaching, worked with therapists and I've brought that all together into an online coaching & support membership for women like you and me.

We'd love to have you join us inside of “Healing Together with Kay Coaching Membership”, click here access the group now with a free trial.

A safe place where you can get support, coaching and 24/7 access to asking questions and sharing your story, so you don't have to wait for a random group on Tuesdays at 7 pm when you are putting your kids to bed, or when you're worried about leaving your partner because he's under the influence.


  • No, it will show as Mariah Kay Coaching. You don’t have to worry about “My Husband's Addiction” showing on your bank statement. 🤍

  • This group is all written and online. There are no call times. There IS 24/7 access for you to post, share, use the skills course and ask questions.

    I reply every single day in this group (M-F). The moment you join, you get access and can start asking questions, connecting and sharing with others.

  • This is a safe place. We will never tell you to "leave" your partner.

    We will never talk down about your partner.

    This group is about supporting YOU on your unique journey so that you can feel empowered to make the best decision for your life, on your terms.

    Anyone in the group who is unkind will be removed immediately (this has never happened).

  • YES! You can set your user name to show whatever you’d like when you join us.

  • Yes

  • YES❤️ We have women from all over. The group has 24/7 online access so you can share, post questions and use the mini trainings anytime day or night.

  • No. 💛 This is a PRIVATE community. The only people who can see your posts inside are those who pay to be inside of the membership.

    If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can also create or use any name you'd like in the group if you prefer to stay private.

  • This membership is more than a support group. 

    You will have access to tools and higher touch/higher level of support in this group. It is far more hands on, valuable and individualized beyond a typical “support group”.

    While there is space to share and support each other, I'll also be providing specific individualized feedback, tools and support to your unique questions.

    The tools and resources provided are those that I've paid for overtime and I've redesigned them and added things specifically for this group.

    You also always get a response to every single question you post, every week.

  • The support membership is online from a computer or your phone (there is a free phone app) called Circle Communities.

    As soon as you join, you will get a link with steps to set up your account.

  • Yes! 

    I offer 4 month, 1:1 coaching packages with weekly 60 minute private calls at $400 per month. If you want ongoing 1:1 support, schedule an enrollment call with me (for free) here:

    If you are ready for ongoing 1:1 support you in implementing the skills and steps to move your partner closer to recovery.

    Schedule a consultation call with me here to learn more:

    Private 60 Minute Deep Dive Private 1:1 Session

    You can schedule a ONE TIME 1:1 coaching session with me here for $119.

    The link below is to schedule a one time, 60 minute private coaching call with me where we can work through anything you’d like. Boundaries, emotions, overcoming resentment or whatever you’d like.

Questions? Send me an email.